When a client is looking for an Interim Manager to lead, manage or deliver a responsibility, service or product, it is important to have a detailed dialogue at the outset. Deployment of an Interim should be good value for money for the client, and the Interim should leave a positive legacy with the organisation. This is made possible by both parties going into the relationship knowing a number of things.
We have an interim protocol we observe for interim assignments which is set out here, although actually in most cases the client and the experienced Interim start with a detailed discussion over what’s required, and the fundamental points that need to be known. Beyond that the Interim comes in, has good but speedy dialogue with the main stakeholders, makes his own assessment of the issues, and gets on with the job. Reporting up and sideways as required, he is self-motivated to engage, make the optimal decisions, navigate the organisation in an astute manner and understand where further authority is needed. The job will be fulfilled and a good legacy left, which usually means the in-house resource (incumbent or newly recruited) has been prepared and trained to take over.
Interim Management Methodology
1. Factfinding
2. Identify & Qualify Opportunities
3. Prioritise
4. Benchmark
5. Project Scoping
6. Agree Strategy
7. Create Presentation
8. Present
9. Implementation